How Much Does it (Really) Cost?

How Much Does it (Really) Cost?

In the negative column, however, is the fact that consumers are being mislead.  Oftentimes, these shows (HGTV and more) will take an empty room and completely overhaul it at the cost of $10K, $5K and even $2K.  As a consequence, viewers' reality of what it takes to redesign a space is severely distorted.  It's no wonder many of my clients are shocked when they hear how much I think it will take to get their ideal master bedroom.  


How to Plan a Remodeling Project? Step by Step Instructions

How to Plan a Remodeling Project? Step by Step Instructions

A remodeling project is either a very exciting time or a big headache, most often a combination of both. Before you kick off the project or even begin thinking of looking for or calling a contractor you need a clear direction. Sitting down and creating a plan for a large or small home improvement project is the most crucial step and may save you from some costly mistakes in the future as well as numerous headaches. 

2016 Fall Color Trends

2016 Fall Color Trends

Get cozy with color this season. Rich, muted tones create an atmosphere of comfort and connection when the days get shorter and nights get longer. Earth tones like GLASS .06, NOURISH .03, WOOL .06, and CLAY .01 call us back inside, help us slow down, and surround us with warmth.

7 Things Homeowners Ignore... But Really Shouldn't

7 Things Homeowners Ignore... But Really Shouldn't

To make your homeownership experience pleasant without constant worries & problems you cannot be ignorant of the following 7 things. Most homeowners do not know enough about at least two of these things. Find out if you're one of them. 

How much does it cost to Replace a Furnace?

How much does it cost to Replace a Furnace?

Your furnace is an essential item in your home. If it needs replacing, you may be fervently searching all over the Internet to see how much it will cost you and if you have the budget for a new system. There are several factors that are important when considering replacing your furnace; type of equipment, efficiency, quality of installation, reputation of the Company you choose, and rebates and incentives that are available. Even if your furnace just needs a simple repair, it’s good to keep in mind what the costs are because eventually you’ll need to buy a new unit.

How to Prepare your Room for Painting?

How to Prepare your Room for Painting?

So you’ve FINALLY chosen the perfect Colorhouse hues for your room and you’re ready to paint! Now what??! Before you dip your brush in a pail of our premium Zero VOC* paint, you’ll need to get your room ready. Proper surface preparation is the most important part of the project for a professional looking, long lasting finish. So grab your painting tools and let’s go!

Keep these 3 Things out of your Landscape

Keep these 3 Things out of your Landscape

As a homeowner, landscaper, designer or architect we spend a lot of time deciding what to put into our landscapes. It is just as important, though, to know what not to include in your design. Landscape preferences are subjective, of course. But the following three things should never be in your landscape- in Portland at least!